Planococcus bengkuluensis Zarkani & Kaydan sp. nov. was in Indonesia, Firstly Found in Coffea Trees

Planococcus bengkuluensis sp.nov. is most closed to P. bagmaticus Williams in having multilocular disc pores on dorsum and translucent pores present on hind coxa and hind tibia. However, P. bengkuluensis can be distinguished from P. bagmaticus in having (character states for P. bagmaticus given in parentheses): (i) dorsal multilocular disc pores present sparsely distributed on central abdominal segments IV–VI only (sparsely distributed on thorax and abdomen); (ii) dorsal oral collar tubular ducts present on dorsum at central abdominal segments IV–VI (present in small marginal groups on abdominal segments VI and VII only); (iii) translucent pores present abundantly on anterior and posterior surfaceses of hind coxa as well as on posterior surface of hind tibia about 60–152 pores (a few); (iv) ventral multilocular disc pores distributed in abdominal segments III?VIII only (sparsely distributed on thorax and abdomen); (v) ventral oral collar tubular ducts present entirely on margin of head, thorax and abdomen (ventral oral collar tubular ducts present on abdominal margins and pro-thorax only).

The new species is also similar to P. epulusDe Lotto described from Kenya in term of having dorsal multilocular disc pores. However, P. epulus possesses dorsal transverse rows of oral collar tubular ducts, whereas in P. bengkuluensis, any dorsal ducts are restricted to small lateral groups on abdominal segments IV–VI.